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Endeavor, Wisconsin

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Outreach Activities 2014

Stockings for Troops
Walker Bags
Food Bank Quilt
UCC Banner
February Work Day Bucky Badger Quilt for Budda Box
J Term at Montello High School
Endeavor Library Raffle Quilt
Veterans Memorial Raffle Quilt Quilt Presentation
Operation Santa/Santa's Workshop

Operation Santa
Calico Capers Quilt Guild donated one youth quilt, eight backpack/bags; twelve lovies & twenty-six toy/doll quilts to Operation Santa. Operation Santa of Marquette County is a volunteer group that raises funds throughout the year to help families in need, who reside in Marquette County, WI.
The guild also donated
eight backpack/bags; twelve lovies & twenty-six toy/doll quilts to Santa's Workshop in Columbia County, WI.
Food Bank
The Calico Capers Quilt Guild donated a Christmas themed quilt to the Silent Auction Fund Raiser which was held on Saturday, December 6th at the Call of the Wild Campground & Bar.  All proceeds from this event were donated to the Care & Share Food Bank of Marquette County. 

Tammy Martel from Hair, Etc. receives the donation from Jane Oravetz, CCQG member.
Christmas stockings Guild members sewed 101 Holiday Stockings to be donated to service members deployed overseas.  25 boxes of stockings and "stocking stuffers" were sent with the help of the Oxford Legion Auxiliary.
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              Bag presented Walker Bags
Walker Bags
The Calico Capers Quilt Guild has completed another outreach project - wheelchair/walker bags.  Over 50 bags were created using quilt blocks sewn by Guild members over the last year.  This grouping of bags was donated to the Marquette County Human Services Aging Unit for recipients of the Meals-on-Wheels program. 
Left: Linda Bennett [Aging Unit ] accepting the donation from Jane Oravetz [CCQG].
A sampling of the bags created.
Lower Left: Walker Bags presented to Columbia County

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Badger Paws
The Bucky Paws quilt was donated to Budda Box for their Gourmet  Dinner this weekend.  They have a silent auction during the event and the money raised helps cancer patients in Marquette county.
Budda Box is an organization of volunteers who have helped cancer patients for 22 years through benefit events and donations.  More than 900 families in Marquette
county have received assistance from Budda Box along with an additional 90 people last year.
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Work DayWork Day
Quilt tops completed during the February 25, 2014 work day.

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UCC Banner
When the United Church of Christ (UCC) women's group in Endeavor approached the CCQG to hire them to made a  banner for their sanctuary - it was the perfect time for the organization to make and donate one for all the UCC church has done for our guild over the past years. 
   When the Endeavor Academy closed, our guild was without a central location for our monthly meetings.  Members of the UCC graciously offered their fellowship hall for our needs.  We have been meeting there since January 2006.
   Presenting the banner for CCQG is Jane Oravetz and accepting for the UCC is Bev Mueller.
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              term quiltJ Term Quilt  Montello High School students came back from winter break to a change of pace with 'J-Term' in which they were able to choose from specialized workshops and seminars which were two weeks in length.
   In one of the workshops, students learned about the Barn Quilts of Marquette County and then made a quilt of their own to donate.  Two CCQG members helped with the quilt project by going into the classroom and sharing the skills of how to use the tools to cut their fabric, lay out a block and put it together by hand-sewing.

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Endeavor Library Raffle
Pat Cook (right) presents a quilt made by Calico Capers Quilt Guild to Marisa Hirsch (left), Endeavor librarian.  The quilt is one of the raffle items for the Hobo Dinner on Tuesday, March 4, 2014 from 4:30-7pm.  The dinner and raffle benefit the Endeavor Library and will be held at the Endeavor Civic Center at 400 Church St., Endeavor, WI.

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Veterans Memorial
The community outreach committee of the Calico Capers Quilt Guild coordinated the creation of a patriotic star quilt.  This was donated to a raffle to raise funds for the Marquette County Veterans' War Memorial.  It was constructed from 2-1/2 inch x 21 inch strips of fabric in red/white/blue or gold.  The quilt was long-arm quilted.  The top border had "Gold Bless America" quilted into it, and the other borders had a stars and stripes design.

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Presentation of quilt
Presentation of the Quilt

Carla Rowley from Cottage Grove won the patriotic quilt in the Marquette County Veterans Memorial fundraiser. Her husband, Dan Crowley (second from right) was presented the quilt by Ken Kersky, Duane Mosely, Don Wilken, Dennis Glunn, Dave Bensen and Dan Klawitter.

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Last updated:5/4/2015
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